

Anoushka / France / 2021 / 92 min

CAPTIVE, Anoushka’s 4th feature film, offers us an intimate narrative, committed and imbued with great gentleness. Shot before the promulgation of the bio ethics law in France, CAPTIVE addresses strong themes such as mourning, PMA for all, and co-parenting.

Camille, a therapist, is in a beautiful relationship with her partner Margot. But Margot’s desire to have a child rekindles a dramatic event from Camille’s past – which she has never shared with Margot. Unsure how to reconcile her past and her present, Camille follows Nina, a captivating new patient of hers, to an artist retreat. Nina is struggling with her own conflict within her dance troupe. Through this shared experience, both Camille and Nina confront their fears and anxieties – forming a catharsis that allows both women to choose their own paths.

CAPTIVE shares with us the doubts and fears of its female characters, alongside them finding their strength to rewrite their stories.

Featuring Misungui, Carmina, Bebe Melkor Kadior, & Rico Simmons

In French with English subtitles.

Plays with DEAR DOCTOR (4 min)

Director Biography – Anoushka

The lack of realistic porn that resembled Anoushka’s sexuality, coupled with a passion for cinema is what led to Anoushka’s career as a porn director. Anoushka studied classical cinema and communication, where filmmakers such as Michael Haneke, John Cassavetes, Steve McQueen, Gonzalo Inarritu, Xavier Dolan, and Oshima left lasting impressions.

Anoushka became a Production Manager on an adult TV channel and through that gained experience being on set, working with a founder of ethical porn (Ovidie), getting to know actors and actresses, and seeing first-hand what the positives and negatives were in the profession. 

Wanting to create real pornographic cinema with simple stories where the details matter, Anoushka strives to make porn oriented towards you, towards your sexuality, and towards our uninhibited generation.

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