FUDLIAKS! Tear the Sexes Apart

FUDLIAKS! Tear the Sexes Apart

Jasmin Hagendorfer / Austria / 2021 / 13 min

This hyper-intersectional film is an amalgam of sci-fi creature-flick, campy music video, grotesque comedy, agitprop flick against heterocentric research as well as pornographic subversive statement. “FUDLIAKS! Tear the sexes apart!” is set in an undefined present, in a mysterious laboratory: the Institute for Gender Normalization. The research subject of this neo-conservative think tank: the scientific underpinnings of conventional heteronormative bodies and biologically binary genders. But a new research series turns all that on its head!

Featuring Andrea Nitsche, Benjamin Kornfeld, Benjamin Brommer, & Blanka Daneluk

In German with English Subtitles.

EROTIC GENRES: Short Films / 5 pm, Nov 5 / Grand Illusion Cinema

Director Biography – Jasmin Hagendorfer

Jasmin Hagendorfer is a Vienna-based artist, writer, curator, and producer. Her main artistic focus lies on installation, performance and film. She is concerned with political discourses and questions about gender identity, specifically with an emphasis on queer and post-porn politics. She holds workshops and presents lectures on feminist pornography and film/art, her latest talk can be seen on TEDX Vienna. As the Creative Director of the Porn Film Festival Vienna and transition international queer & minorities film festival, she creates the concepts of the events, specifically balancing the artistic and theoretical content.
pronouns: she / her


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