Sweat of His Cow

Sweat of His Cow

John Stuart Wildman & Alan Smithee / United States / 2021 / 6 min

From the depths of someone’s lost VHS tapes is this story of an impossibly gorgeous doctor lawyer who runs out of gas next to a barn where an impossibly sweaty man is milking a cow. A sexy relationship ensues where they learn that gas is just the beginning, milk is always the end.

EROTIC GENRES: Short Films / 5 pm, Nov 5 / Grand Illusion Cinema

Director Biography – John Stuart Wildman, Alan Smithee

John Wildman is a multi-faceted presence in the entertainment world, known for his work as a film and film festival publicist, consultant, filmmaker, journalist, and critic.

Currently, Wildman is the publicist and consultant for a number of national regional film festivals, including; the Oxford FF, Bentonville FF, Harlem International FF, San Luis Obispo International FF, Naples International FF, Sound Unseen, Cucalorus, Hot Springs Documentary FF, CineCina FF, Deep in the Heart FF, Sidewalk, Cine Las Americas, and Out on Film.

He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of FilmsGoneWild.com, and has been a host on The Daily Buzz NPR broadcast reporting from Sundance, Toronto, and Cannes for the past five years.  His feature film directorial debut, the grindhouse art-horror thriller THE LADIES OF THE HOUSE was released to critical acclaim in 2015, The comedy short, SWEAT OF HIS COW will be making the festival rounds in 2021, and he is in development for the horror-comedy HUGE WRACKBANGER’S STAG PARTY.

Wildman was formerly the Senior Publicist for the New York Film Festival, New Directors/New Films, the Chaplin Award Gala, and the Director of Press and Public Relations for the American Film Institute. As a journalist, he is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of FilmsGoneWild.com, and was a contributor to Film Comment.com, Film Threat, Movie City News, Beyond Cinema, Fangoria.com, Moving Pictures Magazine.com, and Festworks.com.

Director Statement-

SWEAT OF HIS COW is my love letter to Zalman King’s Red Shoe Diaries and all the “Skinimax” shows that helped teen boys through puberty until the internet became a thing.

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